Clearance shirts sale

  • Creator
  • #3227
    Rose Kendrick

      Clearance Sale

      These shirts were to be sold in the spring but DIV was cancelled. The back has the eagle logo with March/April 2020 on it. Front pocket has Diggin’ In Virginia

      Regular t shirt one each

      2XL sale price $11.00 – burgundy royal blue, black, heather gray


      Pocket t shirt one each

      XL sale price $10.00 –  royal blue

      2XL sale price $13.00 – burgundy , heather gray



      Long sleeve t shirt one each

      2XL sale price $13.00 –  royal blue,  heather gray


      Hoodie sweatshirt one each

      XL sale price $19.00 – burgundy

      2XL sale price $21.00 – burgundy, black


      Caps $17

      Blaze orange – 3 in stock

      Camo – 5 in stock

      Green khaki with blue brim – 4 in stock


      First come first served. Pay now and pick up at the hunt on the first morning.

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    • Author
      • #3247
        Profile PhotoJohn LeFevre

          Rose, I spoke up on your facebook post about shirt but since then my account was hacked and I’m working with fb to get it restored.  Wasn’t sure if I had spoken up for it in time.

          • #3249
            Profile PhotoRose Kendrick

              Yes I have you down for a gray XL long sleeve for $11.00. You can either paypal to or mail a check to

              Rose Kendrick

              11215 Cardinal Dr

              Remington, VA 22734


              • #3257
                Profile PhotoJohn LeFevre

                  Awesome! Thanks!  Paid via paypal.

            • #3234
              Profile PhotoRob Langdon

                I would like two of the black T’s in 2xl if there are any left.

                • #3236
                  Profile PhotoRose Kendrick

                    I only have one each of the colors listed. Do you want the one black?

                    • #3237
                      Profile PhotoRob Langdon

                        May I please have the one black and the last Burgundy one then?   Thanks

                        • #3239
                          Profile PhotoRose Kendrick

                            The black was sold ….sorry……I have a burgundy and heather gray.

                    • #3233
                      Profile PhotoAnthony Corsetti

                        No thanks Rose I’ll pass, thanks

                      • #3229
                        Profile PhotoStanley wadas

                          One royal blue xl hoodie please. Thank you. Miss Rose

                          check will be in the mail tomorrow.

                          thank you


                        • #3228
                          Profile PhotoAnthony Corsetti

                            Rose if still available, one XL Black regular t shirt, $9.00

                            one black XL long sleeve t shirt,$11.00

                            one burgundy XL long sleeve t shirt,$11.00

                            total $31.00

                            • #3231
                              Profile PhotoRose Kendrick

                                The only XL’s that’s still available is the royal blue pocket and the burgundy hoodie.

                          Viewing 4 reply threads
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