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Name | Matthew Shipley |
Where are you from? | Bealeton, Virginia |
Biography | Born and raised in Manassas, Virginia. My dad was the real digger in the family, but I always loved going with him when he had a machine for me to use. I will never forget our last hunt together, Cold Harbor. The trenches…percussion caps laying everywhere on the earthen mounds. It was like they were there yesterday. My dad passed Jan 2020. As I was helping sort through a lifetime of stuff, I got into his ACW relics. Baseball, fishing, hunting, and relic hunting were our together hobbies. They are all things I am doing with my young son as he grows up, just as my dad did with me. Finding his recoveries lit a fire in me and I again find myself immersed in ACW history and relic hunting. It’s been very therapeutic, and I really feel like he’s right there with me…and I can feel him smile and laugh a little, when I dig a pull tab. |