This collection features some of the plates that have been recovered through the years.
CS Tongue dug by Don Lenhart at Beauregard
Beauregard Don Lenhart
CS tongue and weath dug by Joe Benkendorf Brandy Rock
US Box Don Lenhart Brandy Rock
Mississippi Sword Belt Plate dug by Don Lenhart at Brandy Rock
Mississippi dug by Don Lenhart
DIV 7 Beauregard dug by Dave Beer.
Tongue dug DIV 28 Beauregard near Stuart’s HQ.
Wreath dug DIV 30 Brandy Rock near Yew Ridge.
Best of all they fit. Great memories.
Matthew Lee Shrader
Union Drummers Buckle in situ dug by Matthew Schrader at the Excelsior camp.
Happy Matthew!
Union Drummers Buckle dug by Matthew Schrader.
VA two piece tongue dug by Mike Murray at Coles Hill!
GA plate dyg by Doug Stokes at Spillmans Farm.
Dug at Brandy Rock by Tony Watters.
Brandy Rock DIV 25 CS Tongue dug by Dave Beers
CS tongue Brandy Rock DIV XLV dug by Curtis Matteson
US Buckle DIV 24 Pit dug by Dave Beers
Mississippi Swordbelt plate found @ Brandy Rock Div 5 dug by Jeff D’Angelo
Eagle Breast (E.Gaylord) found on Wisconsin hill at Brandy Rock dug by Don Bailey
VA tongue from Hansbrough Ridge dug by Tony Stevenson
Sword belts from Spillman (L) and Ratrie (R). US buckle (L) from Ratrie. US box plate (R) and US Rosette from Brandy Rock dug by Tony Stevenson