Electrolysis question

  • Creator
  • #8543
    David McCall

      I have been trying to get the rust off of some of the frags I found at DIV 54 but my results are no where near the same as what is on Youtube.  I have a Deltran “Battery Tender” 3 amp 6-12V charger that I’m using.  I’m using the correct washing soda and a piece of rebar for the positive connection.  I get small bubbles and the water gets murky but no sludge on top of the water.  I have run it over night and used a wire brush afterward.  I changed the water and did it again but I still have what appears to be rust on the item.  Since I used the wire brush several times I don’t think it is left over red dirt.  Am I missing a step or is there something I should do differently?  Thanks in advance.  David

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    • Author
      • #8825
        Profile PhotoKevin May

          Correct me if I’m wrong but you mentioned your “piece” of rebar. This process works by line of sight so the side of the frag not facing the rebar is receiving little to no help in removing rust. I’d suggest using three or four rebars connected so that the item you are treating is surrounded.

          • #8827
            Profile PhotoDavid McCall

              Thanks, good idea.  When you say connected, I presume you are running wire around all four bars; do you use copper to connect or is there a more conductive metal you would use?

              • #8862
                Profile PhotoKevin May

                  Yes, connect all the rebars together. I got the heavy type clamps like for cable to make sure I got a solid connection to each bar.

                  • #8920
                    Profile PhotoDavid McCall

                      Thanks for the help….to all ‘ya all

              • #8544
                Profile PhotoPatrick Connors

                  <p style=”text-align: left;”>All the items I have ran took 3 or more days to complete and I never changed the liquid just keep adding water if it evaporated and more washing soda.  What are you doing for your connection to the frags?  I use a small car by drill bit and drill a inconspicuous hole and install a tap screw for a perfect connection.</p>

                  • #8545
                    Profile PhotoDavid McCall

                      Attached to the frag via the alligator clips that are on the charger.  I had heard of someone else drilling a small hole and connecting the wires that way as well.  I may try your screw idea on the next round.

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