Shaler Bullet

  • Creator
  • #2922
    Jim Bonito


      Just looking thru museum pictures of bullets , I am aware of a Shaler bullet in some quick talks with DIV buddies … but I would like to know the reason for the three pieces and how did the bullet react upon being fired and hitting the target …  Im certain one probably knows the reason for the three pieces and poss what the round did when it hit … thanks In advance , hope somebody will answer this for me (us ) I do have my own thoughts on this round

      See you soon … Jim

      Have not recovered one , I understand at DIV 48 the are shalers in the ground at  Ratire hoping the recover one or two

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    • Author
      • #2935
        Profile PhotoJim Bonito

          Thanks Reid ….. Thanks what I heard soldiers didn’t like the Shaler … thanks for the input

        • #2934
          Profile PhotoReid Bridges

            With the amount, you find buried and from firepits, they must have really sucked. I could see them cocking in the gun and fouling the barrel.

            Cool bullet to find all three peaces, my guess soldiers discarded them ASAP.

          • #2932
            Profile PhotoJim Bonito

              Dean and Gord …. response much appreciated , Dean I would hope to find one yes sir….   Gord  … that must of been awesome to see a recovery as such you mentioned everyone should be so fortunate .. well maybe not everyone only the DIV ers … that have not been as fortunate … like Me hahahahah …. still love being out in those field no matter what …. Man I hope to see you guys in Nov :USA: :swinger;

            • #2923
              Profile PhotoDean Ryberg

                I think the intent was that the pieces separated upon firing creating a larger pattern, but the soldiers didn’t care for them much, so many were discarded. And yeah, there’s been a lot of them found at Ratrie! Nearly a 1000 in one hole!? Hope you find one Jim!

                • #2924
                  Profile PhotoGord Thompson

                    I managed to find three individual pieces in three different holes to make a complete but rather crusty shaler at Ratrie.  I was also able to watch the recovery of the almost 1000 complete shalers from one very deep hole at the same farm.  Imagine bringing handfuls of those bullets to the surface after being in a case dumped in a hole almost 150 years ago.  It was an amazing recovery.  I think the value of an individual shaler dropped dramatically when that news went out.

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