My First DIV

[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″] Michael Palmer
My very first was DIV 12 October 2009 at Brandy Rock. I could tell you about the relics I found but more importantly it’s been the family and life experiences that’s been had at DIV hunts. From the beginning I met people that’s literally changed my life. My first hunt all those years ago I rode with Jamie And Rebecca Goldie. At that hunt I was walking across the hotel parking lot when a stranger yelled “Dirty Mike”. I turned around and it was Shane and Emily Seal. Through Shane I met some more wonderful folks, Brad Upp and Jason and Susan Wells. Back in 2011 I had the opportunity for my mom who had just beaten cancers butt to join me at Coles Hill. At that hunt I witnessed Kim Cox aka Streak! and Linda’s beautiful wedding. A couple years ago I was blessed again with the chance to have my daughter dig with me at Brandy Rock. I’ve prayed in those digging fields with Anthony Hochstetler. There are so many more I could list but this would end up being a book. These folks and many more are what has made DIV so special to me. I’d give all the relics in the world for the opportunity to have met any of them. The relics are fun to find (and I’ve found my share) but the family that I’ve acquired is the more special treasures to me. John and Rose Kendrick has not just hosted some great relic hunts but they’ve hosted many relic hunting family reunions in the process. As all good reunions it’s always nice to be able to sit down and reminisce with family over a delicious BBQ Y’all be blessed!
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Blain McGlothlin
DIV 12 in October of 2009. I was using a VLF machine and thought I did pretty decent. I believe we were hunting the Wisconsin camp at Brandy Rock.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Todd Hunt
My first was DIV X at Brandy Rock! Oh how I wish I knew then what I know now! That place was loaded! Had a great time and it was the beginning of a lot of friendships! Thank you for all you two do!
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Doug Rouner
DIV 10 at Brandy Rock in October 2008 with Mel Parker and John Dyer. I have meet a number of great people at DIV many that I now call brothers.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Mel Parker
First DIV for me was DIV VI at Stoneman’s Switch November 2006. This hunt is the “Best of the best”, wish I could still attend.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Jim Farley
DIV 9 at Brandy Rock in 2008 was my first, when I got excited to find my first fired three ringer and had to show it to a guy close to me. He probably thought what a newbie but I can still show you the exact bullet it was Gold to me.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Michael Surcey
Brandy Rock in March 2008 at DIV 9 with buddies Ed Travis and Lynn King from Ga. My introduction to the infamous red dirt was very humbling. Day 1 ended with a pouch full of iron junk and disappointment. Day 2 I started getting the hang of it and by days end had more buttons in my pack than the past 5 years. Thus starting my love affair with Virginia, DIV and “Wed Dut”. The last 13 years have been blessed with beautiful hunt sites, great friends, lots of finds and memories to last a lifetime. I can’t wait to see what the next 13 hold. Thank you John and Rose and the committee for making it all possible.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Robert Wolf
DIV 16 at Brandy Rock in March 2011. I only had 20 minutes in MO prior to the hunt to experience with my GPX 4500. Walked to the pond they had cleared around. First target, an eagle cuff. Filled a case that hunt.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Ed Travis
DIV V at Brandy Rock was my first. March 2006. The camaraderie was overwhelming. Met a lot of good folks over the years and hope to meet many more.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Matthew Lee Shrader
Way back in 2009 at Coles Hill and Hansborough Ridge at DIV 11. I was so excited I couldn’t talk at the pre hunt meeting! I’ve met some of my very best friends through DIV, and I thank John and Rose and all that make it possible for what you do.
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=” width=”325″]Kim Cox
My first DIV was DIV 2 at Stoneman’s Switch in November 2004. I was green as all get out in the art of hut digging. I ended up in one within 15 minutes of the start of the hunt alongside Terry Smith. I’d known Terry for a number of years prior to the hunt so it was nice digging beside a friend. If memory serves I got two whiskeys and a powder flask out of the first shallow hut, and the second one yielded a ton of minnie balls neatly stacked in rows on a little earthen shelf in the corner of the hunt. Next day I got into a deep one closer to the road and got (to this day) the biggest cathedral pickle I’ve ever dug and a nice squat soda. Funny part was it was literally inches from the sidewall of the guy digging next to me. When I got it out the dirt in back of it fell out and I could see into his hole. One more swipe in the other side and someone else would have had it. Huts were EVERYWHERE, and pretty easy to dig. Dirt was perfect with nary a rock to be found. IF you hit something when you probed you almost certainly had a hut or trash pit. Some of the guys did an awesome job cleaning out the huts, leaving the fireboxes intact and it was like being able to peek back in time. I learned a LOT at that one. And cheers could be heard on a regular basis as guys pulled goodies out. Best DIV ever……..almost.
My personal favorite was DIV 19 at Coles Hill on 11/11/11. Due to the awesome grace, help and organizing skills of Miss Rose, I had the honor and privilege of marrying my soul mate in the company of the best group of guys and gals on earth. I can still clearly remember Linda rounding the corner on Johns arm, and it kinda took my breath away. I still think about that often, especially when we go back to Coles Hill. That place holds many memories for both of us, not only in relics but in friendship and camaraderie as well. To say DIV has made an impact on both our lives is an understatement. Marriage…..relics and lifelong friends………………….. Hard to believe it’s been almost 50 hunts already. Keep up the good work!